
“A strategy delineates a territory in which a company seeks to be unique.”

Michael Porter (*1947), US-american economist

This is probably not the most obvious definition of the term strategy, at least not at first glance. But the best strategy might be worthless if it ultimately leads to a “red ocean”, i.e. where many competitors are already fighting for market share, mostly driven by price? The better strategy is surely to differentiate yourself and find or develop a „blue ocean“. A new market or a market niche in which you can generate new demand and in which competitors are still irrelevant.

The following questions arise:

What is our vision, where do we want to be in 10 years from now?

What do we want to achieve in the medium term, in the next 2-3 years?

What do we need to implement in the next 12 months?

How do we ensure that we are still on track?

Do we have the right leadership team to achieve our goals?

Is our organization set up correctly?

How do we take the entire team along for this ride?

Which transformation processes do we need to prepare and go through?

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