“Either we find a way or we build one.”

Hannibal Barkas (247-183 BC), Carthaginian commander

Hannibal is said to have responded with these words to doubts about the possibility of crossing the Alps with elephants. Does not everyone know the feeling that your goal is clearly in front of your eyes, but not the path that leads there? Or you know the path, but it seems that there are insuperable obstacles? As an Interim Manager with focus on international sales and business development in the IT industry, I take on positions in the management board or in sales management of start-ups, scale-ups and medium-sized companies to support the necessary transformations at strategic inflection points and to hit the way for further sustainable growth. And if we can’t find a way, we’ll build one!

How can I support you as an interim manager?

Flexibility in the working environment is also increasingly needed at management level. This is why interim management, i.e. hiring temporary managers, is becoming increasingly important. Interim managers often act like firefighters, because they are usually only hired when “the house is already in flames”. A business segment or the entire company must be transformed, restructured or reorganized. Financing must be secured, locations must be relocated, or employees must be laid off. Sometimes also all at once.

I usually come into companies as an interim manager when the growth curve flattens out and companies reach a strategic inflection point. As an interim manager, I will work with you to develop and implement a new growth strategy. On an objective basis, I will help you to find and implement solutions to your challenges. As I am independent and neutral, I can honestly assess the organization’s potential and objectively evaluate and sustainably overcome internal and political challenges. My aim is to provide you with the best possible support to achieve your goals. The advantages are obvious:

  • I have an objective view of the task.
  • I am available at short notice.
  • I only fill the management position for the agreed period.
  • Once the desired goal has been achieved, my job ends.
  • I can concentrate fully on the task.
  • Your cost can be planned, as remuneration is based on a daily rate.
Interim Manager Award DDIM

Winner of the

Interim Management Excellence Award 2023

Interim Manager Award DDIM

“If you stop getting better, you’ve stopped being good.”

Philip Rosenthal (1916-2001), German industrialist

This quote is used in countless articles and lectures, but is nevertheless, or exactly because of this, still very true. Resting on the success of the past rarely leads to sustainable success in the future. For your future success, as an interim manager or consultant I would like to support you in developing and implementing your strategy and building your organization.


"A strategy delineates a territory in which a company seeks to be unique."


A good idea does not become a successful product on its own. And if a product is successful, this success does not usually last forever. At some point, every company reaches a strategic inflection point at which a new idea, a new product or a new strategy must lay the foundation for continued success.


"Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress, working together is success."


Success does not come from the product alone. Only the right employees in the right position and competent managers who motivate and inspire form the foundation for it. Developing the organization and the employees is at least as important as developing a good product. The team is the base for success!


"Approach each customer with the idea of helping him or her to solve a problem or achieve a goal, not of selling a product or service."


Once you have found the ideal business segments and markets, you need a well-planned sales and marketing strategy. But which sales channels are the right ones? Is online marketing and sales the only way to go? Or do you need to build up your own sales team? Or should you develop a partner network?


"If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader."


Managing a team is one thing, actually leading it is quite another. Leadership means inspiring and motivating people to find their own creative ways and solutions to achieve the agreed goals. A good leadership culture needs time and effort to develop and it needs good role models in leadership positions.


"A coach is someone who tells you what you don’t want to hear, who has you see what you don’t want to see, so you can be who you have always known you could be."


Leadership through coaching creates commitment, builds relationships and improves the performance of the entire team. Coaching leaders see themselves as successful when their team is successful. They have empathy and thus create an environment of trust in which everyone can develop their strengths.

Remote Work

"The best way to find out if you can trust somebody is to trust them."

Remote Work

When it comes to flexible working models, very often the biggest challenge for many managers and companies is trusting their employees. The year 2020 was certainly a turning point when it comes to remote working. It includdes some challenges, but can also bring a lot of advantages for the company.

As an interim manager or consultant, I mainly work with start-ups and medium-sized companies in the IT sector. As a result, I am very often confronted with the challenge that due to the lack of qualified IT specialists, especially software developers, product market launches get delayed or innovative ideas cannot be even turned into products at all. For this reason, I founded pyraCode to offer an additional service to my clients by building and managing outsourced software development teams for them. 

Whether you have questions about my services, you need support with a specific project or you simply want to find out more about me and my work, I look forward to hearing from you. Please feel free to use the form or the details below to contact me. I will get back to you as soon as possible to discuss your request personally.


+49 (176) 45751777

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