Remote Work

“The best way to find out if you can trust somebody is to trust them.”

Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961), US-american author

This quote sounds quite simple, but in reality it is often very difficult to put into action, in particular for many managers. What does this have to do with new work and flexible working models? A lot, because for many managers and companies, that seems to be the biggest challenge when it comes to remote work. In a few years, a management trainer will probably describe the year 2020 as the turning point towards remote work and remote management. And he will also report out on the positive effects this had for many companies and especially for employee motivation.

The following questions arise:

Which ist the ideal work model for us?

How do we convey and maintain our corporate culture?

How do we keep the team spirit alive?

How do we motivate our employees and keep them loyal to the company?

Which technologies and work tools do we need?

How do we organize virtual meetings and workshops?

How do we replace the personal “conversations at the coffee machine”?

How do we integrate new employees?

What is the legal framework?

What needs to be taken into account regarding data protection?

How do I avoid micromanagement (Blogartikel)?

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