
Interim Management Excellence Award 2023

At the congress of DDIM German Interim Management Association e.V. in November 2023 I received the “Interim Management Excellence Award” in the category startup for my successful mandate with Stay Informed GmbH.

“It is important for companies to adapt structures and processes to future requirements at an early stage. DDIM recognizes mandates from DDIM members that have created a particularly high benefit for the client.”

Source: DDIM

Career of the Year 2003

In 2003 I received the award “Career of the Year” by magazine “Junge Karriere” of the Handelsblatt publishing group. This was certainly one of the highlights of my career as Regional Manager Europe and Managing Director of Intel GmbH, the German subsidiary of Intel Corporation.

The jury (…) evaluates the participants according to four criteria:

Performance: rapid advancement in a hierarchy.
Success: special professional achievements, for example a decisive contribution to the turnaround of a company
Leadership: exemplary management behavior that results in the greatest possible alignment of company and employee goals
Business ethics: responsible conduct that goes beyond personal and corporate interests in both professional and social contexts.

Jürgen Thiel, Managing Director at Intel, received the “Career of the Year” award in 2003. The sales professional built Intel’s business in Eastern Europe from scratch. In ten years, he made eight career moves and was Intel’s youngest Managing Director worldwide.

Source: Handelsblatt

Award Jürgen Thiel
Craig Barrett Intel

“Junge Karriere” November 2003 Edition

With Craig Barrett, Intel CEO at that time

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